Great Response For Smelly Bus

Advance copies have been flying out for Smelly Bus.

Smelly Bus smells bad! Left at the back of the depot, away from the newer, shinier buses, Smelly Bus feels all alone. Until he meets Mona, a young bus driver who takes pity on him. Join Smelly Bus and Mona on an adventure as he makes new friends and becomes a real hero!

5 Star Reviews!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The little red bus was a simple kids’ book. For kids who read independently, I estimate it to be at a first-grade reading level. It starts out with a smelly old bus that has no friends. Then one person decides to be kind to the bus, which changes everything! Soon the bus has friends and a purpose in life. This is a cute story that shows kids the power of friendship. The illustrations are colorful but also simplistic enough not to distract from the text. The text on each page is easy to read and in a fun children’s font. This is a great book for kids who love vehicles, the zoo, and aquarium stories.

Lyrica Lovell

Such a wonderfully original story. Authors always surprise me with their creativity. To write such an uplifting tale about a smelly bus! What a hoot! It has a very smooth rhyming flow which never disappoints or trips. I honestly finished the story wondering why I have never seen a bus used as a fish tank before. I mean obviously not a real bus, but why not at the very least a pretend one? A great choice for a young reader. A wonderful story from London that should not be overlooked!

Garyfalos Lisa

Wonderful story that kids will enjoy. Great characters to follow along on this journey for smelly bus. The illustrations are wonderful and go along with the story very well. Kids are going to enjoy reading this story. Great family read.


Little Red’s Publishing are attending Brighton & Hove Book Fayre!

The book fayre is being held 15th July 2023, 11am – 5pm at Brighton Unitarian Church.

Author tables are available! Email for a booking form or more information.

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From Nat Whiston comes Niko’s Nightmare: Defeat of the Portal Pets! This is Book Three in the Niko’s Nightmare series and you can find the first two books on Amazon for Kindle and in paperback – Niko’s Nightmare Portal Pet & Niko’s Nightmare: Invasion of the Portal Pets.

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